Debate after debate exists about using disposable vs. cloth diapers but I think all parties would agree that the most eco-friendly (and cost effective) option is to get kids out of diapers as soon as you can. Fortunately we’re done potty training our first child but we’ll be back there again in a couple years. I’m surprised there aren’t more eco-friendly potties out yet but I have noticed that one or two plastic potties that are recyclable – a step in the right direction. Here are the most eco-friendly potty training finds on the web:
Growing Up Green Bamboo Potty Seat – Made with pesticide-free, 100% sustainable bamboo.
becoPotty – Instead of yet anotherpiece of plastic children’s gear, the becoPotty is made with bamboo and rice husks left over from farming. When you are done potty training, you can bury it in your garden, plant some seeds and let the natural product biodegrade.
Poteez Disposable Potty– Great for parents on the go, this disposable potty is made with 100% compostable, biodegradable cardboard.
Clean and Green Public Potty Protectors– Disposable toilet seat covers made of 100% biodegradable cotton. Over sized so little hands don’t touch dirty toilets.
Organic Cotton Training Pants and Underwear – Hanna Andersson has both training and classic “unders” in 100% organic cotton for boys and girls.
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