50 Earth Day Activities for Kids


50 Earth Day Activities for Kids on mommygoesgreen.com

Earth Day is just a week away on April 22 and while I like to practice kindness to the Earth every day, it’s an opportunity to learn about new ways to care for creation and encourage others to do the same. Here’s 50 activities you and your family can do to celebrate!

Indoor Activities

1. Put together bird feeders from recycled milk jugs or using cookie cutters.

2. Make paper with seeds in it that you can plant.

3. Use potato stamps to make wrapping paper.

4. Create a papier-mache globe.

5. Use your crafting leftovers to make rainbows.

6. Gather your broken crayons and make them into new crayons. Or send them to an organization that will.

7. Do-it-yourself recycled paper.

8. Build a worm farm.

9. Learn how to sort items for recycling with this game.

10. Make a pencil holder from recycled objects.

11. Several fun projects here using recycled toilet paper tubes.

12. Repurpose clothing by patching a hole in a shirt or dying it another color.

13. Create a nature corner in your house.

14. Recycle a plastic soda bottle into a terrarium.

15. Make Earth Day T-shirts.

16. Catch unused water throughout the day (shower, teeth brushing, dishes, etc.) and use it to water plants.

17. Recycle bottle caps into magnets.

18. Once it’s dark, turn off all the lights in the house and use only candles.

19. Make reusable produce bags, grocery bags or snack bags.

20. Pick flowers to press and make art with.

painting globe

Outdoor Activities

1. Go on your first geocaching adventure.

2. Learn how to do bird calls.

3. Make bug houses from recycled containers.

4. Go fishing, clamming or catch crawdads.

5. Go on a bug hunt.

6. Build a backyard weather station.

7. Walk or ride your bike to school and work.

8. Start a compost bin.

9. Growing sprouts take about a week to see results or grow an avocado tree from a pit.

10. Start a moon journal.

11. Visit a local farm for a tour and buy in-season produce.

12. Have a backyard campout.

13. Go on an outdoor nature scavenger hunt and gather materials for nature art.

14. Make a seed tape for planting.

15. Build a fairy garden.

16. Visit a local observatory.

17. Give the kids a camera and let them document their environment.

18. Tape poster paper up outside and make a giant painted mural.

19. Turn your backyard into a wildlife habitat.

20. Build a bat house.

grow avocado from a pit

Community Involvement

1. Join people around the world by having a picnic with the Nature Conservancy.

2. Volunteer at a community garden.

3. Round up your old electronics and recycle them responsibly.

4. Get a group of friends together to pick up trash at the beach, river or local park.

5. Go through your toys and choose a few to pass on to others.

6. Go to the local recycling center: look through what can be recycled and talk about what it can be recycled into.

7. Collect hazardous waste (motor oil, batteries, toxic cleaning supplies) from your neighbors and take it all the appropriate recycling centers.

8. Tour and join a local CSA.

9. Host a swap with friends to exchange things you no longer need for things you do.

10. Start a lunch recycling program at your child’s school.

What fun activities do you have planned for Earth Day?


  1. Really great ideas for amazing earth day activities. You have shared some of the amazing resources. Thank You 🙂

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