Are Your Dairy Products Hormone Free? (30+ Dairy Brands That Are)

hormone free dairy blue

Remember when rBST-free milk was all the rage?  Now, it’s probably harder to find milk with hormones, than not (just a guess). But what about cheese? Or sour cream, cottage cheese and ice cream, for that matter? If we don’t make it from scratch (and some of us don’t, at least not yet), are we assuming that all dairy is hormone free?

What got me into this mess was a sale on cheese. I scooped it up, stuck it in the fridge and promptly realized I hadn’t checked the label on a brand I don’t normally purchase. It didn’t say “made from cows not treated with rBST” anywhere. A few minutes of research later and I knew that cheese in the fridge had hormones in it. <gasp> So I made my husband eat it.

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50 Earth Day Activities for Kids


50 Earth Day Activities for Kids on

Earth Day is just a week away on April 22 and while I like to practice kindness to the Earth every day, it’s an opportunity to learn about new ways to care for creation and encourage others to do the same. Here’s 50 activities you and your family can do to celebrate!

Indoor Activities

1. Put together bird feeders from recycled milk jugs or using cookie cutters.

2. Make paper with seeds in it that you can plant.

3. Use potato stamps to make wrapping paper.

4. Create a papier-mache globe.

5. Use your crafting leftovers to make rainbows.

6. Gather your broken crayons and make them into new crayons. Or send them to an organization that will.

7. Do-it-yourself recycled paper.

8. Build a worm farm.

9. Learn how to sort items for recycling with this game.

10. Make a pencil holder from recycled objects.

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15 Tips to Save Money and Your Sanity at Disneyland, LegoLand, and SeaWorld

15 Tips to Save Money and Your Sanity at Disneyland Legoland and SeaWorld on

After traveling for 12 days in Southern California, I came back with lots of thoughts on travel including tips for traveling with families and how I manage my fear of flying. Today, I’m finishing up with specific thoughts on how to save your money and your sanity at theme parks.

Saving Your Money

1. Theme parks require a lot of walking and standing. Little ones get tired and then you pay $15 to rent a stroller. Do that a few days and you realize you should have brought or bought one. If we had to do it over again, I would have bought a $20-$30 stroller once we got to California and then either hauled it home or left it at our rental house for future families in need of one.

2. Each a big breakfast at the house or hotel and bring lots of snacks for the kids. We brought in packed sandwiches and snacks so they could eat all day and then the adults purchased lunch. You might also bring a water bottle for each family member and then just fill them up at drinking fountains during the day. Water at the parks are about $3 per bottle. On a hot day, that really adds up.

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Simple Ways to Raise Better Eaters

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I do not profess to have this parenting thing down, I’m learning new things about raising little humans every day.  We’ve tried a lot of unsuccessful things and stumbled upon a few things that have really worked along the way.

One of those lucky stumbles was how our kids eat. They are happy to eat a good variety of foods, regularly. No, they don’t lick kale off their plate but for kids, I like to think they are better eaters than most. Here’s what has worked for us:

We aren’t a restaurant.

Whatever is being served for a meal is the meal. No substitutions. Occasionally I make things that the kids just don’t like such as chili so I will make an alternative.  My daughter has never liked potatoes so we don’t require her to eat them. If I make something a little too spicy, I add cream cheese, sour cream or coconut cream to cool it off.  But if the meal isn’t eaten, there isn’t a peanut butter and jelly sandwich to follow.

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Gardening Themed Easter Baskets

We will be heading south to warmer weather over the Easter holiday so I’ve been putting together a few things to celebrate while on vacation. I really like to fill Easter baskets with a few things the kids can truly use or would love to have, instead of tossing a bunch of candy in there. Because, honestly, that’s what the grandmas are for.

This year, I’ve decided to do each basket based on a theme: gardening for Sissy and sports for Bubby.  For Valentine’s Day, Sissy got a child-sized garden box. It’s small and portable since we plan to move in the next year.  If you want to build a more permanent box, Better Homes & Gardens has a great tutorial on DIY garden boxes for kids.

Now that the weather is turning, it’s time to get started on prepping the box and planting seeds. Right after Easter, we will put the seeds into our mini greenhouse and wait for the frost to pass. My guess is, that will be sometime in May. Then we’ll transfer the plants to her garden box and a few larger pots. She will have responsibility for her own box, with some oversight from me, of course.

Gardening Themed Easter Basket | Mommy Goes Green

To help Sis get excited about gardening and provide her with her own tools, this is what I’m putting together for her Easter basket:

1. Plain canvas tote for her to decorate herself

2. Child-sized garden gloves

3. Metal hand garden tools

4. Organic vegetable and flower seeds (I’m going with Seeds of Change this year)

5. Popsicle sticks (used to label each plant)

6. Peat pots to start our seed in

Here’s a few more ideas for your own gardening theme basket:

What is going in your Easter baskets this year?